

【金年会下载网址(中国)官方网站·IOS/手机版APP下载/APP】数字神教威武 360杀毒软件国际版闪亮登场


本文摘要:From Qihoo 360 Technology: 360 Total Security 2016 is a free antivirus software that offers your PC protection from viruses, trojans and other emerging threats.源于奇虎360科技:360TS2016是一个免费的反病毒软件,给你的电脑获取安全性, 维护你的电脑靠近病毒,木马和其他安全性威胁The free antivirus software chosen by more than 540 million people.5.4亿用户自由选择的免费安全软件One click to get more space, speed and security.一键页面取得更好的空间,速度和安全性Easy-to-use User Interface for everyone.对每个人来说都非常简单易懂Real-time Protection stops virus and malware even before they reach your PC.动态维护制止病毒和间谍软件不道德,甚至是在它们病毒感染你的电脑之前Is your PC in a good shape?你的电脑状态好吗?

From Qihoo 360 Technology: 360 Total Security 2016 is a free antivirus software that offers your PC protection from viruses, trojans and other emerging threats.源于奇虎360科技:360TS2016是一个免费的反病毒软件,给你的电脑获取安全性, 维护你的电脑靠近病毒,木马和其他安全性威胁The free antivirus software chosen by more than 540 million people.5.4亿用户自由选择的免费安全软件One click to get more space, speed and security.一键页面取得更好的空间,速度和安全性Easy-to-use User Interface for everyone.对每个人来说都非常简单易懂Real-time Protection stops virus and malware even before they reach your PC.动态维护制止病毒和间谍软件不道德,甚至是在它们病毒感染你的电脑之前Is your PC in a good shape?你的电脑状态好吗?Full Check integrates award winning antivirus engines to provide you with state of the art virus detection and protection capabilities.全面检查构建多个大奖取得引擎,获取给您最先进设备的病毒检测和防水能力These engines include:这些引擎还包括:- 360 Cloud Scan Engine360云查杀引擎- 360 QVMII AI Engine360QVM2人工智能引擎- Avira小红伞- Bitdefender比特梵德Is your digital life slowing down?你的电脑运营较慢吗?Speedup scans and detects areas that consume precious time from your life. This feature shortens your boot time and gets things going sooner by these methods一键加快扫瞄并查明是哪些地方浪费了你宝贵的时间。这个功能延长了你的启动时间,让电脑运营更加慢,通过下列方式构建:- Manage and optimize startup items and scheduled tasks管理和优化启动项和计划任务- Fine-tune application and system services调整应用于和系统服务- Boost up items and plugins.?升级软件和插件Running out of hard drive space again?硬盘空间有消耗了吗?Cleanup performs a quick analysis, detecting useless plug-ins and junk files on your system, including temporary and cache files from your OS, Web browser and Applications.一键清扫很快分析,找到多余的插件和垃圾文件,还包括系统、浏览器和应用程序产生的临时文件和内存文件。

Forgot to check the latest security patch?忘了检查近期的安全补丁了吗?Patch Up assists you to manage and keep track of the latest security updates. Patch Up centralizes Microsoft and Adobe security updates in a single place, enabling you to keep your operating system up-to-date with one click.一键补丁协助你管理第一时间近期的安全补丁。一键补丁集出了微软公司和啊逗比的安全性升级于一体,一键页面就能升级你的操作系统。Unlike traditional antivirus software, we dont slow your PC down with heavy virus definitions; instead, 360 Total Security requires much less ram and disk usage owing to our smart pattern. Theres no need to download a heavy virus database and keep updating it. As an invisible friend, we are always with you. Wherever, whenever and whatever you are using your PC for, we aim to keep a secured environment for you.不像传统的反病毒软件,我们不必特征码引擎拖慢你的电脑运营速度;忽略,360安全性用我们的智能模式只必须较少的内存和硬盘闲置。没适当iTunes一个可观的病毒数据库并维持升级。

作为一个看不到的朋友,我们仍然在你身边。无论何时无论何地,无论你用你的电脑干什么,我们的目标是给你维持一个安全性的环境。Online Shopping Protection网购维护Browser Protection浏览器维护Download ProtectioniTunes维护Data Hijacking Protection数据挟持维护USB Drive ProtectionUSB驱动维护Webcam Protection摄像头维护Chat Protection聊天维护 Our superior products are built not only to secure your PC against malware, virus and other types of malicious attack, but also help your system fully optimize and run more smoothly.。






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